Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a structured therapy that engages your brain’s natural healing mechanisms via alternating, bilateral stimulation to “unstick” and take the charge out of painful memories. Unlike traditional therapy, EMDR does not require talking in detail about the disturbing events or memories and can yield faster results than talk therapy alone. Learn more by visiting the EMDR International Association website and watching this video to see what an EMDR session is like.
In addition to being one of the most widely researched and effective treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, EMDR has demonstrated strong effectiveness in relieving symptoms related to anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, addictions, and panic disorders, among others. Whether you have clearly identified traumatic events in your past or struggle with strong negative beliefs about yourself, we can talk about how EMDR could benefit your healing journey.
Whether you’re considering doing EMDR remotely due to location or convenience, one thing the pandemic taught us is that this work can still produce good clinical outcomes via telehealth. We can utilize the bilateral stimulation that is a key component of EMDR in a variety of ways during video sessions. I offer the option to rent an easy to use set of ‘remote tappers’ that can enhance our work together and bring the most of the therapeutic experience into the comfort of your home.